Tag Archives: stealing


3 Sep

You’ll never believe what this woman allegedly (ahem) stole from a store in Arkansas on Labor Day:

I look damn good and I know it.

I look damn good and I know it.

Almost $150 worth of eye makeup. Shocking, right? She got belligerent when she was confronted by store employees and an officer inside of the store, saying they had no proof that she stole anything and claiming that all of the makeup she had just shoved into her purse was hers to begin with. Since Ms. Allen was unavailable for comment, I spoke to a few experts for some of their thoughts on the matter:

Rainbow Dash thinks she's REALLY overdoing it.

Rainbow Dash thinks our thief is REALLY overdoing it.

Rainbow Brite thinks she should cut back on the makeup and work on her clothes.

Rainbow Brite thinks Ms. Allen should cut back on the makeup and work on her clothes.

Cheer Bear the Care Bear gives a thumbs up to our eye shadow thief, because she is a sweet rainbow bear and appears to only have thumbs.

Cheer Bear the Care Bear gives a thumbs up to our eye shadow thief, because she is a sweet rainbow bear and appears to only have thumbs.

Gawker article on the makeup thievery.